How to Turn Industry Trends Into Actionable Newsletter Content

4 simple steps to stay relevant


You can transform trending topics into valuable, actionable content for your newsletter by offering insights, practical applications, and adding your unique voice.

With content creation for newsletters, there are 2 approaches you can use:

  • Create timeless content - this is majorly informational and probably has been said and done before.

  • Create content around recent trends - this helps you stay relevant and add new perspectives.

When done right, creating content around industry trends can help to position you as a thought leader.

Finding the latest trends is just the beginning - what really matters is turning those trends into content that your audience can use.

If you’re just sharing trends without offering actionable insights, you're missing out on a massive opportunity to engage your readers.

So, how do you take those trends and make them work for your audience?

That’s exactly what we’ll be looking at today.

Key Takeaways:
Writing on Trends

  • Always ensure that trending topics are relevant to your audience’s specific needs and interests.

  • Provide context and interpretation for trends, explaining why they matter and how they fit into the bigger picture.

  • Offer practical, actionable steps or guides to help your audience apply the trends to their work.

  • Include multiple use cases to ensure the trend resonates with different segments of your audience.

  • Add your unique perspective or personal experience to build trust and differentiate your content from others.

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Is it relevant to your audience?

Just because something is trending doesn’t mean your readers will care about it.

You have to ask: Is this relevant to my audience? 

  • Identify your audience’s goals:
    Are they beginners looking to learn new skills, or are they seasoned professionals trying to stay ahead of the competition?
    Once you know this, you’ll be better positioned to pick trends that speak directly to their needs.

  • Conduct surveys or ask for feedback:
    Engage with your readers directly. Ask them what topics they’re most interested in or what challenges they’re facing.
    This will help you filter out trends that won’t resonate with them.

For example, if you run a newsletter for social media marketers, a trend about AI-driven advertising will likely be relevant.

Add Context & Interpretation:

Trends alone are like raw materials - you need to shape them into something useful for your audience.

This is where you add your own interpretation and context.

Your job isn’t just to share what’s happening, but to explain why it matters.

  • Ask yourself: Why does this matter?
    Think about how the trend fits into the bigger picture.
    For example, if remote work is becoming more common, how does that affect your audience’s industry?
    Does it change the way they should manage teams, use tools, or approach work-life balance?

  • Connect the dots:
    A good way to make trends actionable is to connect them to past events or trends.
    If there’s a pattern emerging, help your readers see it.
    This not only makes the trend more understandable but also makes your analysis more credible.

For example, there is a rise in video content consumption, and you could tie that to the earlier rise of TikTok, YouTube Shorts, and Instagram Reels, explaining how short-form video is taking over the content marketing world.

Offer Practical Applications:

Your readers don’t just want to know about a trend - they want to know how to apply it to their own work.

After you’ve explained the trend and why it matters, the next step is to provide concrete, actionable steps your audience can take.

  • Provide a how-to guide:
    For each trend, create a simple list of steps your audience can take to implement the trend in their work.
    If the trend involves using a new tool, you might offer a tutorial or a set of best practices.

  • Offer multiple use cases:
    Not every trend will apply to every person the same way.
    Make sure to give a range of use cases.
    For example, if you’re talking about a new social media platform, explain how small businesses, influencers, and big brands can each use it differently.

For example, let’s say the trend is using AI tools to automate email marketing - you can offer practical steps on how to integrate these tools.

Add Your Voice:

There’s a lot of information on the internet, and what sets you apart is your voice.

When you share trends, don’t be afraid to add your own perspective or opinions.

  • Take a stance:
    Do you agree with the trend? Do you think it’s overhyped?
    Your readers come to you because they trust your perspective, so don’t hesitate to offer your opinion. Just be sure to back it up with solid reasoning.

  • Add personal experiences:
    If you’ve already tested the trend, share your results. Personal stories make the trend more relatable and build trust with your audience.

For example, if you’re covering a trend about new SEO techniques, you could say, “I’ve personally tested this method over the last few months, and here’s what I’ve found...”

And that was about it.

Now you can go ahead and look at some industry trends and see how you can customize it for your audience.

If you do, send me a link, I’d love to read it!

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P.S. If you are stuck with your newsletter growth at any point, reply to this and I can help you out! 📈